The comparison of double gun prices to stock prices is very interesting.

If you bought tech stocks when tech stocks were peaking, and sold them when demand for them was lower, you probably didn't do so well. Same for energy stocks, pharmaceuticals, automotive, etc.

If you put all of your money in high capacity semi-auto rifles and ammunition in 2013 when demand for these guns was at an all time high and 5.56 ammo was selling for nearly a buck a round... if you could find it... then you probably aren't going to recover your investment anytime soon. At least until the sheeple and the FUDDS are dumb enough to put anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats back in power.

Guess what? The country didn't elect a Republican House, Senate, and President because the country is turning Blue. If you wish to believe anti-Conservative CNN type propaganda and the same fake polls that said Trump never had a chance, then nothing I say will ever change your mind. Kalifornia gun owners seem pretty much content to get steam-rolled without ever fighting back. Many of them who post here seem to spend more time denigrating the NRA and pro-gun Republicans than they do fighting to reverse the slide of their state into anti-gun Socialism.

Those same stock market rules apply to doubles as an investment. Guns in general have lagged the stock market, and it appears that high end British Doubles just are not as hot as they were ten or fifteen years ago. However, many other doubles are selling for considerably more than they did ten or fifteen years ago... even in 12 gauge and in lower grades. Pick up a 10-15 year old copy of Gunlist, and even "Dick and Craig's" prices seem pretty reasonable. And if you seriously think that Gen-X'ers and younger people just aren't interested in guns anymore, check out the huge price appreciation of Colt "Snake Guns" and Winchester or Marlin leverguns.

Of course, you could be like Jagermeister, who doesn't own even one lousy double gun, and congratulate yourself when you are on your death bed, for waiting until you are too old and too sick to ever enjoy owning and hunting with one.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.