We all know that YOU don't wish to advertise your Anti-2nd Amendment proclivities Ed. But I feel people should know about the enemy within. That's you Ed. The enemy! Ever hear the story about the wolf in sheep's clothing? The anti-gun crap you post here only helps anti-gunners toward their eventual goal of banning all guns... even doubles. You made your bed, and now you get to lay in it. Deal with it Troll.

Originally Posted By: ed good

if mississippians can have a dialog regarding restriction of the display of "the flag", then why cant we have a dialog here regarding the restriction of semi auto handguns?

If you wish to get back on topic, your blanket remark comparing the strength and weight of a Nitro Special to other Ithaca doubles was pretty stupid too.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.