[quote=keith]"Also, the NFA of 1934 did not ban us from the possession of silencers or machine guns. It placed a $200 tax on them along with a background check.

The Las Vegas shooter was a multi-millionaire who easily passed numerous background checks, and could easily afford the NFA tax on restricted items. Ed Good's ideas are just as foolish as always."

Nowhere was it stated or implied that the NFA act of 1934 banned anything but if you do care about bump stocks & 60 round + magazines you had better hope that such items get put under NFA as opposed to being banned completely.

It's dammed hard to make the argument that modifications that (in the uninformed's mind), effectively turn a semi auto firearm into a full auto firearm shouldn't be be put into the same legal category as full auto firearms.

This "not give an inch" policy of the NRA & others is unrealistic & it is going to cost us all dearly in the long run.

I've been an NRA member since the early 60's & will continue to be a member but sometimes they fight the wrong battles & forget that winning the war is what is really important.