Here's another little fact for you to remember when you are tempted to let the Liberal Left Democrats chip away at your Constitutional Gun Rights.

64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016, and the number keeps increasing. That's over 1230 people every damn week. Yet these Liberal Left anti-gunners absolutely don't want a border wall on the U.S.-Mexican Border that would stem the flow of illegal narcotics and save more lives every week than these random shooting sprees take every couple years.

It isn't about saving lives. It's all about chipping away at the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens until there is nothing left to give up. Wake up. And call your Congressmen and Senators. Join the NRA. Free men don't just give up the rights that tens of thousands died to preserve for us.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.