The post above by the anti-gunner Ed Good perfectly illustrates why nobody wished to discuss this shooting here until you brought it up jOe. Now you have opened the door for anti-gun trolls like Ed and King Brown to post utter nonsense and falsehoods such as King's oft-repeated claim (lie) that the U.S. has the highest homicide rate of any civilized country.

We law abiding citizens really aren't interested in incrementally giving up our Constitutional Rights to extreme anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats. We know from history that giving up bump stocks or high capacity mags would only be another step to the total bans on firearms that politicians like Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, and Barack Obama want. Hillary and many of these Democrats are already calling for a total ban on semi-automatics. They have no intention of allowing you to keep your stock AR-15, or even your semi-auto pistol. Then, when you foolishly permit them to take those things, and some mad man uses a pump shotgun in a massacre, they will go after those. Hell, they still want bolt action sniper type rifles banned.

KY Jon was the only one so far who brought up what is likely the most important factor in these mass shootings... the use of anti-depressant prescription drugs that have the known side-effect of causing suicidal and homicidal tendencies. A Nevada Senator just confirmed that the Las Vegas shooter was on anti-depressants. A very large percentage of mass murderers have been on these drugs, or had been on them shortly before going on a homicidal spree where they often end up killing themselves too. Did you ever stop to consider that we never heard of these types of mass shootings before the late 1980's when SSRI (Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor)drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, etc. hit the market? You can Google "SSRI drugs mass shootings" for lots in information that the Liberal Left Media and the Pharmaceutical Industry won't talk about.

SSRI Stories-- Anti-Depressant Nightmares

By the way, this would be a very good time to call, write, or e-mail your Congressmen and Senators to remind them that we are not interested in giving up our Constitutional freedom. If we are going to have a discussion of giving up our Civil Rights, consider what would save more lives: giving up bump stocks and high cap magazines, or deporting anyone with Gang affiliations and a criminal background?

And don't forget that the worst mass murder in the U.S. prior to 9-11 was the one where 87 people were killed in 1990 at the Happyland Dance Club in New York City. The murderer killed all of those people with less than $1.00 of gasoline in an intentional arson fire in the stairwell of an unlicensed social club. A determined killer will always find a way. Should we ban gasoline too?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.