Shooting well at clay targets isn't quite the same as shooting well at game.

I advocate buying dozens of shotguns so as to make the daily choice as difficult as possible, as well as to provide a ready selection of excuses for when misses accrue.

34" semi auto target guns are difficult to use in the woods.
Mostly because how they are typically used on the range is a slower, much more deliberate style of shooting.

I know when I grip a stock if my wrist will swell from recoil, and I know when the comb arrives at my cheek if recoil will give me a headache. I know from the feel of the butt against my shoulder if it's too long or too short for me.

And of course, experience and the regular use of the tape, show's me that is true.

Of course there is some latitude, but not meters of it.

Out there doing it best I can.