As do it. I played second base in both Jr. HS and HS-- spent two weeks one summer in the 1950's as a guest of some family friends who lived in Framingham, MA- they had a summer cottage in Situate (sic) on the ocean, and their next-door summer neighbor was Dom DiMaggio- "Joltin' Joe's brother who played the Red Sox- my host family's son-my age, Bobby McPhearson and I played catch with Dom on his off-days-great guy. Bobby's dad was the editor of the Framingham Gazette, if memory serves, and talked a lot about Hemingway and his first start as a reporter-

Good enough to suit up, not quite good enough to get scouted for the "Bigs"-- but the love of the game, like my deep interest in Hemingway, as lasted all my life. Best example of baseball and the statistics that make up its raison d'entre-- Casey "Stinky" Stengel-- his words: "Well, you can always look it up somewhere in the book"!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..