I soak the dented area with a small patch of cloth saturated w/water for a time to get the fibers softened up.
Then use the same wet patch w/a soldering gun (much more heat and easier for me to use) pressed into it over the dent to generate the heat & steam.
Works well, can be tedious work sometimes no matter the method. But well worth the time to restore rather than rasping, sanding and filling.
I like the alcohol treatment..!

Some of the MilSurp rifle restortion folks put the nasty grease and cosmoline soaked wood parts into the dishwasher to clean them off (if they'll fit!) and raise dents from the stocks.
They say it works well, but one of the 'problems' they have is that the stamped arsenal markings (dents really) in the wood end up raised to the surface and usually above the surface.

They see it as a real problem,,it may be something usable for raising dents of a more natural usage occurrence. Never tried it in either case, but it's a thought. The extreme hot water and dry cycle would be the key I'd guess.