Originally Posted By: tut

Larry do manufactures reach out to writers like yourself and ask for input prior to rolling out something like this. Just seems like this was put together by a couple of Savage folks talking to CSMC and figuring how they could tweak a few things cosmetically and therefore create a new market. The reality is the market is there for a Fox gun that cloned the original in every way except for the possible addition of choke tubes and using steel shot. Just seems like not much research is done before hand, but I could certainly be wrong.

tut, you would be surprised at how often it happens exactly as you imagine it. Happens all the time and it's amazing how little market research goes into stuff. Especially in the "licensed" name end of things. I'm not speaking of guns so much as consumer goods like apparel, footwear and sporting gear. I'm guilty of doing it myself on occasion. You get immersed in a market and figure you know it all or all you need to know anyway. One reason I always liked partners. Hard for all of us to drive off the same cliff the same day.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia