So I'll premise this with the fact that I am not endorsing firing a 1900 with modern loads. This is a video of me firing my 1900 BEFORE I learned through surfing the net and info I got here that it's not a best practice. So I guess I was the crash dummy. The "Gun Smith" is also partially at fault for telling me it was fine for me to fire slugs etc.. But for those who say the barrels will "blow up" that also wasn't the case. Before I realized it wasn't the best practice, I had already fired 11 2 3/4 Federal buck shots and 4 or more 2 3/4 slugs. At least twice firing both barrels at the same time. Since then I've picked up the Winchester AA's. I thought some of you guys may want to see the video.

I named my Gun "Midnight Rose" after a "working woman" of the 1800's era.

Last edited by Navarro; 04/11/17 01:43 AM.