well, it has now been 2 decades. i got my first computer in march of '97. an eltronical dude from work came over and set everything up for me. the very first night i had her up and running, i did a search for foz shotguns.

one of the links i clicked brought me to this site. it was the original bbs form. i read and read and read from a long time before i even posted. just like when we switched to the current form of forum, i could have hand an uber-low user registration number, but i usually just read and usually only post when i have a question. did not register on the new board until i needed help with something.

anyway, have ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING IDEA (!!!) how many hours i have spent reading this board. additionally, i have gotten to know many board members, both through just strictly email and phone, but also in person. breaking bread at their kitchen tables, enjoying a libation or four, hanging out in their shops, and sleeping in their guest bedrooms.i would have never even known these people existed were it not for this board.

for these reasons, i am a contributing member every year. i encourage everyone who spends a fair amount of time enjoying this site to give dave some cash every year. he has helped us, and we should held in in return.

so who else is in the 2 Decade Club? who has been on this board over 20 years now? only people who were on the board from march '97 and before.

skunk out