Thanks, Ken. Very interesting. My son, who is here visiting from AZ for a few days, is on such a diet also. He was already pretty lean, at 12% body fat, but after a few months has improved to 10%. He weighs somewhere around 145 #, I'd guess. He climbs mountains and hikes long trails periodically, and wants to keep in trim for that. He has been "badgering" me for the last couple years to consider going with him to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro. I'm no climber, but he says it is really an easy one that I could do, though it is a pretty high rock. Baldy Mtn., on Philmont Scout Ranch in NM is the highest I've done, at 12,441'.

When my wife and I began the 7 -9 -3 regimen, many years ago, I was at 173# (I'm 6' 2") and was healthy already, but recognized the importance for our long term health. She weighed about 140#, roughly. First thing we did was had bloodwork done. Mine came back pretty good ...... HDL, LDL, etc. My TGs were around 140, AIR. Scary thing was that hers was over 500! We ate the same, but her's was much more elevated. We had bloodwork done every six months for several years after beginning the regimen, and our LDL levels dropped rapidly, the HDL levels increased much more slowly, and the TGs dropped consistently, too. I actually dropped so much weight that my friends began thinking I had a debilitating illness. I did get pretty gaunt looking, and learned to temper my diet with just enough carbs to maintain myself at about 160-165#. My TGs dropped and my HDL rose to the point that they were exactly equal, on one blood test. Her TGs fell back to completely healthy levels, and she maintains now at about 120#, a very petite lady.

Bottom line, it changed our lives. I've been blessed to have never been hospitalized but once in my life, that to have tonsils removed at age 10. She has only been hospitalized for childbirth, twice. We count our blessings, and do what we can to maintain. I STILL have a struggle with the temptation of fresh-made pecan pie, tho' !! blush


Last edited by Stan; 02/10/17 09:15 AM.

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