Originally Posted By: King Brown
James, what uselessness of Canada's military efforts are you referring to, please? Canada was obliged to engage valourously and unsuccessfully in post-war UN and NATO missions, as did our allies. You acknowledge Canada hitting above its weight in the world wars. What responsibilities have we shirked? We commanded the Libya air war, chose the hottest spot in Afghanistan, both with unsuccessful consequences with terrorists in ascendancy. We're in action with the Kurds, with NATO allies on Russian border, 600 special forces committed to Africa. Elucidate, please.

Would be happy to King. The "uselessness" I am referring to would be that of UN sanctioned "peacekeeping". Making peacekeeping, under the auspices of the UN, the single most important aspect of what our military does.

It's the Canadian circle jerk, currently being revived by PM Zoolander (and the woman behind the man, Gerald Butts), constantly patting ourselves on the back for Pearson's Nobel Prize winning bit of idiocy. "I know!" exclaims Lester. "Let's create circumstances where regional conflicts never get resolved!"

Oh, and in the meantime, lets de-fund our military and shirk our NATO responsibilities because you know, those arrogant rubes south of our border will do it for us.

You will note I specifically referred to the 60's through the 80's. A period of time when that [censored] Trudeau senior held sway, admiring and cavorting with dictators. A governmental mindset his son seems determined to bring back.

The 1990's and 2000's, which you used to refute me, were when our government was run at the top, Chretien and Harper, by men, not communism's useful idiots, Trudeau 1 and 2. Trudeau jr is about to get eaten alive by Trump and his people. This is going to be Mike Harris' Common Sense Revolution writ large and I can't wait.

Go read Lawrence Solomon this morning for the real story on what's going on.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia