Originally Posted By: King Brown
Here's the statist you're expecting, Ken. Trump's Washington already beginning to look like Russia's and China's command economy, directing everything---industry, trade, social services, diplomacy--- if we can take the president at his word, while his intelligence agencies investigate his interests with Putin.

You haven't forgotten that Lenin's New Economic Policy allowed capitalism to continue and move gradually and incrementally toward socialism. Publicly admiring Russia and Putin, Trump's injecting socialism to the United States in one fell swoop. Expect joint manoeuvres with Red Navy, no need for NATO, eh?

A student of Russia and totalitarianism wouldn't have forgotten one of the last letters from a dying Lenin about Stalin's concentration of unlimited power. "I am not convinced he will always use that power with sufficient care." He urged the Party to get rid of him for someone "more tolerant."

America has a Communist-admiring czar.

Preposterous attempt at Obfuscation and Demonization.

I expect Trump to reduce the role of government and shrink it's size. You're just repeating the buffoonery of the anti-Trump false narratives.

The NEP? How did that work out? Absurd to be using Soviet examples, although I do consider Russia to be more Nationalistic than Expansive, and could forsee military cooperation to combat Islamic Radicalism.

Lenin? Of course he, like all other Tyrants, believed in "Enlightened Despotism", all totalitarian tyrants do, it's central to Hegelian Statism. It's especially convenient since they control the definition of the term " Enlightenment", which typically has resulted in the murder of millions of their political opponents.

You still really do not understand America.

Has it occurred to you that your sociopathic, statist, religious beliefs are a prime example of Russian/Soviet meddling in Canadian elections and society?

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.