Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Re an earlier remark: A federal hiring freeze would be a contradiction of President Trump's plan to expand the military. Now if they were to cut one civilian in the Pentagon for every 10 soldiers, sailors, airmen or Marines they enlist, that might be a good idea.

In theory a great idea. Unfortunately none of those active duty folks know how to buy a bean or a bullet, get it delivered and reshipped to the war fighter. I think the support tail as I call it is way too large, but the reality is the operators who use all that stuff in the military don't want to worry about anything but having the stuff. I remember years ago we had DEA try to give us a bunch of confiscated boats/airplanes/vehicles and said hey, its all free. We said where is the money to support all this stuff actually working and continuing to work for the next 5 or 10 years (we called it the tail). Without the tail all the best equipment in the world goes into a state of disrepair in short order. If your not giving us the tail, don't give us the tooth as pretty soon all those teeth fall out.

If Trump does rebuilt the military I hope he not only adds soldiers/equipment but also hires the number of civil servants required to support that war fighter and cuts the number of industrial contractors who are making tons and tons of tax payer money well beyond what a government civil servant would make to do the same exact job.

foxes rule