Found a few errors in the first (pre-Cuban ) ed. I treasure my copy which Silvio personalized to me, and was kind enough to list me in the first ed. on page 3-- anyway, the chapter on the Model 21's: page 40-- actor Clark Gable's name is spelled "Clarke"-Not quite right, but then, in John Madis' great book on the Model 12, he has actress Ann Sothern's surname spelled as Southern. By the way, she also was part of the Sun Valley gruppen when EMH and Mary Welsh Hemingway were living in their last home together, on the Wood River. Just got a confirming e-mail from Silvio- we have never met nor shot birds together (we both like our Winchester M1897 pumpguns- but our common interest in Hemingway has made us friends- I remember, back in my fly-fishing days (1980's through 2000)reading Fly Rod and Reel- Magazine, and if memory serves, he was editor of that fine publication then--

Just received a confirming e-mail from Silvio- book is on order, and he will sign my copy, as he did my first ed. In spite of some of the "sturm and drang" on the Internet, once in a while you hit it right. We have never met, nor shot together. I surmise he lives in Maine, I live in MI--but our mutual appreciation for the late Ernest Miller Hemingway, his life, his works of literature, and his guns and hunting experiences-- a common bond- plus, we both like and shoot our Model 1897 Winchester pumpguns.

I'll get in touch with pal Silvio through the Shooting Sportsman website, and ask him if I can order a signed copy of the latest and updated edition, with the great details of EMH's life at Finca Vigia, and his shooting prowess on pigeons in Cuba as well.

As a life-long student of both Hemingway's works and his personal life, I appreciate all the hard work and research you 3 gents expended into this great bit of American history and in the ever-enthralling realm of fiction and literature. El Zorro, asi como el hombre muy famoso, "Don Ernesto", yo tambien hablo Espanol.

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 01/10/17 03:29 PM.

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