Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I learned from a lifetime in public affairs that with few exceptions one side was not significantly different from the other....

....There's nothing mythical about dysfunctional Congress nor Putin interference as trivial, as you claimed earlier....

....A majority of Americans apparently saw Trump as a grease ball and voted against him. If that isn't will of the people, what is?....

King, I think you share because the divide hasn't been greater in quite some time. Isn't there at least a little difference between the sides? Why mention 'sides' at all unless you feel the need to distinguish the two?

Sure, congressional dysfunction is a myth. 'Do nothing' is huge, otherwise, we would have another bo appointment on the sup court. Apparently, you agree that reid lied on the floor of congress to help bork romney with the bs tax talking point. The second win is regularly referred to by you as a big part of bo's 'mandate'. Wouldn't that require the protection of a fully functional congress?

I still think that you mistake the 'will of the people' for the will of la county and nyc, there're a few other places. Take detroit for instance, in regards to the hill supported recount. At least 60% of the precincts show too many votes, but dem created state law may block recounting. Another voter fraud/ballot integrity breach that gets quietly brushed under the rug.

Why are you playing the punks game, is this one of the few exceptions? There's a ton of garbage under the ole dem rug, eh?