Originally Posted By: pooch
I have to confess that deep down I am a Liberal. Going to Canada helps me to overcome my liberal leanings and come to grips with reality. Anything that is outside normal procedures "can't be done". In Canada, thinking outside the box is just not done. I've had some of the strangest experiences in my life listening to excuses as to why something can't be done. I have gotten what I wanted done only after delays and bringing pressure to bear. They are experts however on what is wrong with the USA and quite willing to tell me about it. In my experience I have found they seldom know what they are talking about. Life seems to be viewed through a flawed prism. They are, by and large nice folks and make great beer, but often I think them bit slow. I have learned to and recommend that, one ignores their anti US rants enjoy their company and not be surprised when the simplest task can become a moon shot if it is not a standard procedure.

You aren't describing Canadians, you are describing the evil and soul destroying effects of creeping socialism. Happens everywhere.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia