Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I believe gun control works generally in Canada because of the people we are....

....Americans are good people. They live in a violent country burdened by their history....

....What currently looks from the outside as incipient civil war---police killings, BLM, gun violence---would be unthinkable in most western countries.

I believe culture causes less violence. Least violence seems to come from a collective will of what the Founding Fathers aspired to---equality and liberty for all. That's what Canada strives toward, as America does in its historically fettered way. Bless 'em both.

I appreciate the history lesson and in a show neighborly support, I must remind you not to forget about the atrocities inflicted to this very day on Canadian natives. Like many in America, you would with hold basic healthcare and promote liquor in lieu of victimless recreational drugs for your out of sight out of mind northern blight to champion your merkelesque multicultural investment. Maybe, you folks will outlaw berkas too?

Could it be that Canada is roughly 85% rural, and that most firarms, in rural areas, are still considered necessary and wise to have implements?

Recently, a former mex. prez told an American President elect to ef off, a western cultural high water mark. In the recent past, our friends to the north called a sitting US President a 'moron' just because of the colour of his political skin. Another cultural indicator?

Back to my admiration for rural Canada. Haven't you noticed that the location of a new prez library has had some seven thousand shootings this year. Out in the wild west, or deep in the darkest hell holes of a small handful of 'populous' American inner cities. Yes, you could call it a cultural thing.

What I don't quite figure out is, why send kids and grandkids off into that brave new world. Don't worry, Canadian urban centers are more than entitled to a 'cultural' change, while retaining a slightly rose coloured stain when viewed from ivory deer stands.

Maybe, our cry rooms and safe zones, for the kids, will be bullet proof?