Given what the fraud King Brown just said about a country's rate of violent crime being a reflection of their distant past history, you'd thing the descendants of indigenous native Indians of Canada would be shooting up Toronto the way descendants of former slaves are shooting up Chicago. Little King apparently missed what I said earlier about his lies, his anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric, and his desire to ignore the fact that his Magic Negro Obama did as much or more than Putin did to meddle in another nation's election. So I'll repeat it for him...

Originally Posted By: King Brown
geo, isn't that what I said about gun control: America is too much in love with its guns to change it, that any changes would be cosmetic and, as the little fella kindly reminded us above, Obama would keep his legislative gun in his holster. The board collectively predicted blue ruin.

No Little King, that isn't exactly what you said about gun control. In fact you've said quite a few things in support of gun control and in support of anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment, and anti-NRA politicians like Obama and Clinton. Here's a couple to remind everyone that you are no friend to us and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Gun control doesn't work? I believe gun control works reasonably generally in Canada, providing a less violent society compared to some others, in good part because of our different culture.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Democracies make choices. Americans accept mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom.

One of my favorites was this one from you little King... a self professed atheist... lecturing us about turning our backs on Jesus in order to defend our 2nd Amendment:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The roots I'm comfortable with are the radical---"to get to the root of"---and that's Jesus's teaching. The shame is how far the Christian community has drifted from it. We act irrationally from fear when the Christian message is to fear not, even death itself.We call ourselves Christian nations and stockpile ammunition, need concealed carry to protect ourselves and a regulated militia without regulations to protect us from our own governments, abandoning Jesus's teaching to defend it.

Little King, I saved quite a bit more of your anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric that you've posted here over the years. I plan to post it all in the Silent Doubles Forum when the time comes as my memorial tribute to you, the guy who, in my opinion, is the most committed and dishonest anti-gun Troll we have here. I want your anti-gun words to be your permanent legacy here when you are gone.

Yes, the board did collectively predict blue ruin while you attempted to LULL us into complacency. And blue ruin is what would have resulted if our NRA and gun owners by the millions did not mobilize to prevent Obama from having his way with us. We gave Obama his most stinging legislative defeat in 2013, and it carried on into the defeat on numerous anti-gun legislators in 2014.

Aside from your serial dishonesty and pathological prevarication, how can you say that Obama has kept his anti-gun sentiment in his legislative holster? This is the same Barack Hussein Obama who has repeatedly called for extreme anti-gun legislation including restrictions and outright bans on assault style weapons, large capacity magazines, ammunition bans, and registration in the form of so-called Universal Background Checks. Right after the 2012 Newtown school shooting, he appointed Joe Biden as his Gun Control Czar and pushed long and hard for all of the above anti-gun legislation. You knew that... and you also knew of his many anti-gun Executive Orders pertaining to Gun Control which he could not get through Congress thanks to Republican majorities... so that makes you a liar. Do you remember saying this?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The Second is what originalists and others want it to be, the former seeing any variances as infringements. So it goes and ever will be. It is not inviolable and inalienable as some members want all of us to believe.

The president's last 21 Executive Orders on gun control hardly got a mention here---if one, at all.

Of course, that was a lie too, since we had reminded you numerous times about Obama using Executive Orders to chip away at our gun rights in Misfires. I saved some of those discussions too. But telling lies seems to be a way of life for you. What a sick disgusting fraud you are.

By the way... has everyone forgotten that Obama meddled in the Israeli Election of Benjamin Netanyahu and even used our tax dollars in an attempt to oust him? In December 2015, it was reported that Barack Obama intercepted communications between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US lawmakers. The Obama White House targeted Netanyahu because he opposed their insane nuclear deal with the Iranian regime.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.