Originally Posted By: Stan
No, Ted I did not say that I had Dewey work in one of my Foxes. You read something into it that wasn't there, again. But, you're good at that. I said "he has had one of mine in his shop". It was there for an evaluation to determine if I could have him refit a set of new, old stock 32" that had been shoddily "fitted" by another well known shop. We discussed it and decided it wasn't worth the effort. That does not qualify as a repair, does it? Nothing was broken. I was just attempting to mate an orphaned receiver to a set of barrels.

Is is just another example of your narrow mindedness ....... not being able to see possibilities other than your own myopic view. I'm done with this discussion, but I enjoyed it. Thank you.


I think my points were that a guy with Dewey's level of talent had better things to do than work on the typical, American classic. And, that a gunsmith at that level would likely be honest enough to tell you that.

Although you implied he had worked on a Fox, the truth was he helped you determine it wasn't worth it.

I think you have just illustrated my point better than I did, Stan.

Thank You.
