Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm well over the shock, craig, and accept it with equanimity because, as I've said often here, America for all its hubris and aberrations always get it right over time. Trump is learning his limits and mollifying the Tea Party.

We'll wait for determination of legacies. Obama has a leg up by removing US pariah status from the world, a significant achievement in itself, and was no part of the country's embarrassment and humiliation in electing his successor.

Inheriting two wars and a world recession largely of US making, faced with a dysfunctional government pledged to stop his every move, he introduced as first black president the beginning of universal healthcare.

The Obama family in the White House showed the world what America really is, a country of toleration and respect for others moving on to lift the burden of once the world's biggest slaveowner. With luck it will see the opportunities of cooperation instead of cutting each others' throats.

Obama may have removed pariah status, although that status has always been debatable. The problem is he replaced (added?) it with impotence and the failure to support allies and secure real benefits for America with his foreign policy.

While Obama was bad domestically, he was a disaster in foreign policy.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia