Originally Posted By: King Brown
A person so partisan to say the vote is the end of Washington's "tyranny," to believe the US will be mended by more of the selfishness posted here, is about to learn the limits of power, "the objective reality" of the conversation.

King, it doesn't look like you're 'getting over it'.

If Trump builds a hundred more towers over the next four years, and pulls a random name out of the basket of deplorables, he'll make a better selection than the divisive purpose driven legislative ideolog that hill would'a force fed us on the 'new' 5-4 Supreme court.

It's weird huh, a conservative court will generally limit its power, hill said she wanted one that would progress into a new world. But hey, the high court served up ocare on a platter, a glorious thing the left would rather forget. Don't forget what Ken mentioned, the high court ruled it was a 'tax', didn't they?

Time to move on, eh? Shellfish have to be brought up again and again, it's only any good when it's fresh. Are you looking towards the future, or concerned about the 'legacy'. Step back, take a breath, bo'll get a moderate sprinkling of gratuitous kudos. Well since he didn't teach 'em to read, it'll take the form of stick figure illustrations on social media.