Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ease up, lads. He couldn't do anything else after saying he'd use his office to punish his opponent, for which he doesn't have authority....

....my man John Boehner loosened from the speaker's chair by his own party because he tried to negotiate differences with Obama. Have mercy!

You might take a look at which agencies fall under the exec branch, and the examples bo gave us before a blanket statement about authority. Then again, she's using the infamous tax shelter, Canada, to skirt non profit accountability.

I would think the only 'reasonable' thing for him to do is have a phone meeting with bo and hill. If the infirm tyrant agrees to slither out of politics and shut down the 'foundation', then bo should use his 'authority' to fast track some allegations against the foundation. Then bo could pardon her for broadcasting state secrets to the world and make the pay to play go away.

If hill wants to keep the 'foundation', then she'll be fair game long after bo will be able to bail her tail out. If she wants to go on the left wing rant tour, for a reduced fee, then she'll be fair game, as well as bill and chelsie who feel entitled to play in politics.

By the way, your man johnny b. was shown the door because he had an insincere tendency to display the occasional gratuitous waterworks show. A practice that would've been tolerated if he got 'er done at the job he was being paid to do. Bet'ya twenty bucks, US please, that Michelle has formed an exploratory committee, just as hill did when bill was released from his wh chains to recreate with his pedophile buddy.