Ah, the anti-lead guru Grouse Guy Ben Deeble is back with a vengeance, spouting bullshit and acting as if he knows what Trump will do. Why not go all the way with the DNC lies and propaganda Ben, and tell us that Trump will end Social Security and push Grandma over the cliff in her wheelchair?

Why should I care about your access to Federal Lands for hunting? You don't do anything to subsidize my hunting. You don't give a fat rat's ass about our right to use ballistically superior lead shot that won't price many shooters out of the game entirely, and make our vintage doubles all but obsolete. I've also heard about your rotten unethical little poaching incident. Outlaw hunters who think they are above the law and who support anti-2nd Amendment candidates like Hillary Clinton cut no ice with most of us... except for certain Liberal Socialist anti-lead ammunition Canadian loons like King Brown.

Trump will do a hell of a lot more for hunters and shooters that Hillary Clinton ever would... starting with nominating Supreme Court Justices who don't think that Australian style gun confiscation and bans are just and proper.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Gun control doesn't work? I believe gun control works reasonably generally in Canada, providing a less violent society compared to some others, in good part because of our different culture.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Lead is dead.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.