Originally Posted By: King Brown
Let's say, for the sake of argument, you're correct, James. I'll take your predictions any day for the way you called it!

As a fellow Canadian, I feel your pain and do not understand why you tolerate these foreigners (Americans) who give you only derision and abuse, not acknowledging your wisdom. They have abandoned the utopia of Canadian style unlimited taxation and micro-regulation for the hardscrabble life of self determination and freedom. Soon they will learn.
However, I note the Leonard Cohen has passed away, a close associate of yours, I am sure. I note that he is being (for all his shortcomings) lionized, as is typical for deceased people. SO, here is Your opportunity to achieve sainthood, by emulating your friend Leonard. Then those louts will remember you fondly.
A Fellow CAnadian.

Dumb, but learning...Prof Em, BSc(ME), CAE (FYI)