Originally Posted By: keith
King Brown just can't stop telling blatant lies.

He couldn't offer any proof of his repeated lies about alleged "promises" that Trump made to nominate or appoint Justices who would pervert the U.S. Constitution by interpreting it according to Trump's whims.

King also couldn't back up his lie that Trump would use those judges to punish his enemies. King, predictably, ran away from those lies by attempting to change the subject, and moved on to tell more lies.

Now King Brown is repeating the lie that Trump is a sexual predator. Incidentally, many of Rocky Mtn Bill's polite and good mannered Democrats are using the exact same words (DNC Talking Points) as King. Check out Sen. Harry Reid's disgusting sour grapes comments from yesterday.

I'd like to see King provide some proof that Donald trump is a sexual predator. His crude speech from the 1980's does not nearly rise to criminal behavior. There has been greater disrespect for women from King's little friend nca225 right here, which King asked us to forgive and forget. I'd like King to show us the Trump equivalent of the stained blue dress that contained ejaculate from Bill Clinton... which he lied to the American people about... and which Hillary excused by attacking the reputations of the women he serially sexually abused.

King thinks I care that he refuses to engage me. The last thing I wish to do is to debate with a compulsive liar. But I will continue to point out King's serial dishonesty.

King's brand of lies, dishonesty, and obfuscation is precisely why his precious Democrats lost an election to a candidate who had plenty of warts of his own. Trump was simply preferable to the alternative, and King is a dishonest sore loser who is acting like a spoiled child, and like the spoiled children who are rioting because they are anything but gracious in defeat.

Happy VD. Thanks for your service.