Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Yes, they exist. Doing bad things and blaming the other side can be extremely effective technique.

Ah Jagermeister, always the useful idiot. While some Liberals here pretended to be against anti-gunners, you came right out and admitted to proudly voting for Obama two times.

Now you are honest enough to admit to the things that King Brown and Rocky Mtn Bill would go to their graves denying. After all those two had to say about the evil Koch brothers during prior elections, why do you think they haven't said even one word about Charles Koch's support for Hillary, and her taking millions of dollars from Koch lobbyists?

Now you come out and endorse deceitful and dishonest campaign techniques while being critical of those who may believe what Rush Limbaugh says. You know, Ronald Reagan spent most of his life a a Democrat too before realizing that the Democrat Party had abandoned him philosophically. So don't be so confident that Trump will be a RINO who reverts to his Democrat roots. Not everyone is stupid enough to look at nearly 20 trillion dollars of debt and think it is good for the long term health of our country.

You still have not told us why a Troll like you keeps coming here when you do not even own one double gun! Why is that?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.