Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
JDW knows that protests against Trump were paid for by the Democratic Party because Rush told him so. Now there's an example of informed opinion. Such protests are perfectly pointless, but to imagine they're manned by illegals and funded by the losing party is sillier yet. I've been impressed with Clinton's and Obama's gracious treatment of our newly elected President and can't help recalling that Mitch McConnell announced his mission was to see to it that Obama's administration failed. Democrats aren't always right, but they tend to have good manners. I wish Trump, and all of us, the very best and sincerely hope he can heal some of the nation's wounds.

Ah, here's another reliable supporter of anti-2nd Amendment Liberal Left politicians giving his 2 pesos. Problem is that it is largely B.S. Here's a link to a story and undercover video that shows Clinton Operatives admitting to inciting "Anarchy" at Trump rallies.


And the National News carried footage the day after the election of Hispanics and illegal aliens marching and carrying protest signs saying they would defy deportation. Rush Limbaugh did not invent those protests, or the fake Leftist funded protests which disrupted a Trump rally in Chicago.

As to the good manners by Democrats and nice treatment of Trump by Clinton and Obama... just days ago they were calling him everything but a white English gentleman, and unfit to serve as President. Mitch McConnell's statement about stopping Obama's agenda and making him a one term president was no different than Democrat Congressmen voting against every bit of legislation advanced by Bush 43. And has Bill forgotten how the Democrats convinced George Bush 41 to go back on his "No New Taxes" pledge, in the spirit of bi-partisanship... "for the good of the country"... and then immediately turned on him and used it to make him a one term president? But leave it to Bill to tar every Republican with the statement of one Senator who vehemently disagreed with the Obama agenda. And who, besides Rocky Mtn Bill, could forget how those polite and ever gracious Democrats trashed and vandalized the White House as the Clinton's moved out:


As Bill imagines the politeness, manners, and civility of Liberals, I'd guess that he has no problem with King Brown spouting absolute lies in his continuing attempts to denigrate Trump. My mother was a Democrat. But when she taught me manners, she must have forgotten to teach me to be a compulsive liar. Check out this video of some gracious Democrats.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.