Anyone who could not see this coming just hasn't been paying attention. I saw it and mentioned it here when I went to a Trump rally back in March of this year, and told you all about the unusual level of enthusiasm I saw. I told you about a black guy who I was talking to who had taken his daughter to a Hillary Clinton rally the week before, and brought her to the Trump rally so she could hear both sides in person. He seemed a bit embarrassed when he told me that he understood "how you guys feel." I asked what he meant, and he replied that he was talking about the middle class working man who had been beaten down by trade and taxes, and expected to continually pony-up more to support those who wanted more Socialism and a Welfare State...

That is exactly the kind of crap that has left King Brown feeling a physical heaviness, a foreboding, and despair. I couldn't be happier that he feels so bad and heart broken, because it is those things King supports which have made us weaker, poorer as a Nation, and mired in a crushing debt that may yet destroy us. No man can, in only four years, fix the mess that Liberalism has created over the last 50 years. And to think he is still crying about bigotry, racism, and misogyny when the absolute worst areas of the country are those that have been governed by Democrats exclusively just boggles the mind. His words are just more of the same Liberal Left dishonesty that had Trump dead and buried in a landslide of historic proportions just days ago.

I would hope that people have learned that the Liberal Left and the Liberal Media can not be trusted to tell the truth. Can you imagine what the actual result would have been if you took out all of the votes from dead people and election fraud.

It is interesting and educational to now see all of those unhappy Hillary Clinton supporters now protesting and refusing to accept the results of the election. The Liberal Left made a huge stink about the possibility that Trump might not concede defeat even if there were reports of massive voter fraud. Now it is them who cannot and will not accept the will of the electorate. King Brown has often excused assaults and infringements upon our Constitutional Rights by Obama and the Liberal democrats on the basis that majorities decide how they wish to be governed. You will not hear the same opinion from our resident fraud and anti-2nd Amendment Troll now.

It is also sad to hear from the people who were reluctant or actually afraid to voice their true feelings about this election, and their support for Trump. I was advised yesterday by a young family member to take down my Trump yard signs and to keep my mouth shut about having supported Trump in the coming weeks, because of threats that are now being made by Liberals on Social Media to attack Trump and his supporters. Because of that, I have decided to keep up my signs, and to also tape a couple onto the outside of my truck.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.