A somewhat warped definition of a "socialist" is someone who keeps trying to do the same thing that doesn't work over and over expecting the next outcome to be different.
The universal registration system attempted in Canada didn't work and after the expenditure of billions of dollars it was finally scrapped. Does this stop a gun grabber like Clinton from proposing that a universal registration system be implemented here? HELL NO! We are getting way off topic here but there are apparently millions of clueless Americans who don't know this idea has been tried and failed and keep supporting a socialist dingbat who is proposing it here. And what does all of this have to do with the prices of guns? Well nothing of course!
I'm out of this thread since I fully expect the idiotic gun grabbing trolls who are still on here will start posting their typical inane comments next.

Last edited by James M; 10/27/16 01:23 AM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.