Older post, but I believe I just purchased one of these guns. I do not yet have it to hand, but you can see the pictures on the Gunbroker.com auction. It has a clear CZ stamping, which I believe makes it in some way related to the Zavattero guns. A bit of research led me to find this picture of an old ad for some Zavattero guns in the early 1900s. You can see the gun listed as No. 20 in the ad is a dead ringer for the gun from the auction. I'll know more once the gun comes in and I can visually inspect it in greater detail. I'm having difficulty determining if this is a later variation of an underlever type action or something else. Anyways, I wanted to add additional information and pictures to the CZ Zavattero discussion.

Here's the gun from the auction: http://www.gunbroker.com/Item/584065660

And the ads I found...

And another seller I've found with one of these guns...