Excellent points there Ted and Dave. There is no possible way to honestly refute any of it. It is precisely why we should never trust Liberal Left Democrats with more gun control or any gun registration schemes.

King Brown wrings his hands over being accused of telling lies and being called a liar twice a couple days ago. I laughed when I saw that, but was too busy to respond immediately. I'd have to say that no single person here has been accused of telling lies and submitting false information on this board by more different people than King Brown. Now, you'd think that would tell him something. It would to most normal people. Can we all be wrong, or just unfairly piling on poor little King? Or is it that he has been busted, caught red-handed so many times, and simply denies and dismisses it, and dances away or changes the subject to hockey or something?

In my opinion, it is the latter. Not merely my opinion, but verifiable fact. I think it provides a valuable window into the mind of the Liberal Left, and helps to prove that Liberal Democrats like Hillary Clinton can never be honest. It just isn't in them, and telling lies comes as naturally as breathing.

Too bad that you'll never hear or see King Brown telling us that American's trust of the press and mainstream media is now at all time historical lows. Gallup, and other polls tell us that. And here's a link to a story about Reuter's being caught red-handed manipulating poll numbers to make voters think that Hillary is leading Trump in Georgia.


Note that the same Reuters and Atlanta Journal Constitution also cooked the books on polling in the 2014 Georgia Governors race when they put the Republican and Democrat at being tied at 42%. It turned out to be a 52% blowout for the Republican Nathan Deal.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.