Originally Posted By: King Brown
Yes, what you, Gallup and Pew say about Americans favouring gun control and background checks is accurate---but it's a lie when I post it according to our far-right friends!

Similarly, to our far-right friends, a federal vote for a Democrat is anti-gun as if the electorate is concerned primarily with guns, which it isn't. Members are excoriated for voting Democrat twice.

Polling and voting, on the evidence of both returns and far-right thinking, the national sentiment rests more easily with gun control and background checks. Or have I missed something in your message?

King, neither you nor I live in the US. Nor do we spend much of our time there. The occasional visit but that's all.

Neither of us has a good handle on what the average American voter thinks of government. We don't live among those average Americans. We aren't talking to them, casually, every day, about the weather, crime, house prices, politics etc. the way we do with our friends and neighbors here.

I would suggest that, as we get our information primarily through the media, much of it likely biased and skewed, it's darn near impossible for either you or I to really know what Americans (as a whole) think.

I have only to read my Canadian media's entirely scornful response to the relative success of Trump, to know there is something going on down there that we don't have first hand knowledge of. When 25-35% or so of Americans think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and 100% of Canadian media attack him as the worst politician since Hitler, there is clearly a disconnect somewhere.

So I would suggest that making pronouncements about what Americans do or don't think on any subject, may be an activity that is a bit outside your wheelhouse. It's definitely outside mine.

I try to advise the American members here on what may happen in the future, if vigilance flags, by reporting on events here. I never try to tell Americans what they are thinking. Just as it would be foolish for Americans to try to tell Canadians what we are thinking.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia