The fixation here seems to be strictly on the effect of pressure on the barrels.....has anyone thought about what the effect 9k psi has on the action, locking bolt, and joint?

While KY Jon only mentioned the stock the recoil is the main concern as well for the other points mentioned. Pressure is of primary concern only to the barrels & at the point it is being measured.
At 20 inches down the barrel it could care less what the maximum chamber pressure is. Lowering chamber pressure does not in & of itself make it easier on a barrel which has a thin forward section.
Load 1 oz of shot to 1060 fps @ 9K psi & 1Ľ oz to 1300 fps @ 8K psi.
Both can be achieved by careful powder selection. That later load will be harder on the gun everywhere except that one short area in the chamber where the 9K is reached. One simply has to look at the total picture. While "MAX" chamber pressure is important, lowering it is not the "Cure All" for all things related to shooting a shotgun. In fact it is the cure for only a very small portion of them. Overall ballistics are far more important for most.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra