I'm torn a bit here. I'm generally happy to see somebody keeping track of things as I interpret this as somebody protecting the resource. I have, however, dealt w/a fairly unpleasant individual a few years ago who actually asked me if my double was "plugged" (to be fair, everybody else in the group was using repeaters and we were many, and rather large!). On another occasion, my 10 double was completely soaked in a rainstorm while hunting waterfowl and I had left the slip partly unzipped to minimise any potential for rusting as we motored back to the dock. The warden waiting for us there (where he always is at this particular lake) threatened to cite me for travelling under power with an unsecured gun(!). To his credit, after I explained my reasoning, and after much grumbling...he didn't. It's surely a tough and dangerous job (I was living in Wyoming in the early 80s when a warden there was shot and, I believe, ...partially eaten!)

Last edited by Lloyd3; 09/10/16 05:58 PM.