Originally Posted By: Brian
For the doubters who say this isn't anything for gunsmiths to worry about, see the following link and article.
why would the senate have to send a letter to the govt agency responsible for this if it didn't affect gunsmiths??

I'm bringing Brian's post and link back to the top for the people here who actually think there is no threat to our gun rights. Here's one of them:

Originally Posted By: Genelang
I refuse to piss my pants every time there's a rumor about gun confiscation. It won't happen. There are, for one reason, far too many guns to confiscate, and for another, we've got the 2nd and 4th Amendments.

I've got enough real problems to worry about: UFOs for example. Crop circles. Alien abductions. Getting probed aboard an alien space craft.

Please note that once again, the threat to our Constitutional Rights has come from Liberal Left Democrats, and that it is Conservative Republican Congressmen who have penned the letter of protest to the State Dept. about the ITAR DDTC regulations which would affect gunsmiths.

About 4 1/2 million NRA members are shouldering the burden for another 40 million gun owners who often do little or nothing to help preserve our rights. Even worse, there are those right here who have announced their intent to support Hillary Clinton even though her extreme anti gun positions are well known. Proof that you can't fix stupid.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.