Thanks for that information Dave K. I wonder if those who think this thread is much ado about nothing can explain why the NSSF is getting involved in this issue. The NRA also shares the same concerns. Those who trust this administration to do right by gun owners and the 2nd Amendment after 7 1/2 years of attacks, lies, and deceit are in need of a reality check:

Transgender coward Nancy-boy Chris, aka nca225 still exhibits his/her extremely low intelligence and dishonesty by now comparing the lesser decline of FFL's under Bill Clinton's last four years in office with the flattening out of declining FFL's after Bush 43 took office. Now Nancy-boy wants us to forget about the huge number of FFL's that were forced out of business during Clinton's first term.

I did in fact acknowledge that the number of FFL's increased slightly after Obama took office. The brain dead transgender Obama supporter nca225 intentionally misrepresents that, and also refuses to acknowledge that the slight increase was simply a response to a massive increase in demand for guns and ammunition after the repeated assaults on the 2nd Amendment by Obama and other Liberal Left Democrats.

The only thing the transgender coward nca225 got right is this: "Intentionally refusing to acknowledge an obvious truth is an act of dishonesty." So why can't nca225 simply, for once, be honest about the anti-2nd Amendment activities of the anti-gun Democrats he/she supports?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.