Makes no difference what are the "rules"---they're not observed anyway; torture and no-mercy are a given---people who believe in their country and are willing to die to defend it don't buckle under to foreign invaders, including the most powerful panoply of military power in the world.

Tactics? The US-trained and expensively equipped Iraqi army fled from a few hundred ISIS because they wouldn't die for their corrupt governors. Trump now says he will do it "fast" all by himself, which means more sons and daughters as sacrifices while the country has said clearly to Obama to stay to hell out of there.

This is a tumultuous time for the country, acknowledged by its own citizens as dysfunctional in governance, neurotic and without direction, aberrations of a magnificent andt noble tradition of high human values and leadership. Believing in Trump as messiah to cure all ills is madness. There's no support for his notions on this board.