Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: nca225
Too bad the Trump supports an assault weapons ban as he did in his book.

If Nancy-boy Chris aka nca225 actually thought that this was Trump's current position, he/she would be enthusiastically endorsing Trump.

As it stands, Nancy-boy Chris has already told us that he/she intends to vote for the extreme anti-gunner Hillary Clinton. Nancy-boy Chris also voted for the extreme anti-gunner Barack Hussein Obama. I wonder why Nancy-boy Chris does not seem to have a problem with their positions on gun rights and gun ownership?

I think we all know the answer to that question. For some people, gay rights are much more important than gun rights.

That's an easy one to answer. While I don't agree fully agree on their positions on gun control, I consider their positions on a multitude of issues and find that I agree more with the democratic platform than the bigoted republican platform. Its not too hard to think about more then just the second amendment but for some people who are intentionally narrow and willfully ignorant, like you, I can see how you get hung up princess. And your right, I don't like to see discrimination and bigotry, so I do consider a candidate's position on gay rights. I hope you enjoy multiculturalism and equality as much as I do!

FOI what was it that you like to say about people who vote for a candidate that has a historic anti gun record, like Trump? I hope you don't get suckered on this one, but then again you are an easy mark.

Last edited by nca225; 07/20/16 01:21 PM.

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