Originally Posted By: dal
A jury of her peers would decide her fate under those circumstances.
So as long as that battered woman could prove her gun and her ammo were locked up when her husband kicked in the door and that that battered woman's pistol was equal force to her husband's bulk and hammer she would be all right.

Originally Posted By: dal

A buddy of mine had his wife (ex now) change the locks on their door. He came home after work and had to kick the door in. I guess she should had shot him dead, and create fatherless children. Yup, that's the way life should be, shoot first, then go oops later.
Had your buddy been battering her? Had she been to the hospital from his beatings? Did she have the equivalent of a restraining order on him, perhaps he was not to come within 100 yards of her?

Originally Posted By: dal
Think about it, do you need to carry, or have within reach, a loaded weapon to feel safe where you live?
Because of our Second Amendment firearms are with us. The criminals buy them illegally. In the event of a home invasion I would much rather have the double shotgun I shoot best loaded and next to my bed. I would call the cops and wait in the best position for them to come. Should the thug put me or my family in danger I would use my shotgun.

My office and shop are in a high crime neighborhood. My bookkeeper was working late one night and someone started hammering on the bolt keeping the metal door locked. She called the police and waited, armed, for them to arrive. All of the women that work for me have concealed carry permits. I paid for their class and, in some cases, for their pistol.

I am glad to be here.