Originally Posted By: dal
I agree with you Mike, it is stupid if you could not, but you can. If a guy kicks in your door and rushes you, you can grab a kitchen knife and defend yourself, if you have the time.

If you feel your life is 'in danger' you may use deadly force. Basically, equal force to that you are confronted with. However, you would have to go and unlock your gun (either trigger lock or gun cabinet) get your ammo (separated from form your guns) then load and fire. And no, we cannot shoot people on our front lawn, whether in the chest, or their back.

Judging by the number of dead children in the U.S, and the lack of statistics showing how people have defended off a home invasion with a gun.....it sounds like a good idea, but in practice....

I have lived in Toronto for for thirty years, and NEVER felt I needed to arm myself. It is quite sad that some of you think you need to, or actually HAVE to. What a stressful way to live. My wife literally weeps for your country. It is sad what is going on there, I hope things turn around for you.

I wonder if Ian Thompson of St Catherines would agree with your claims that we are allowed to defend ourselves in the face of a violent and potentially deadly attack on our homes.

Or ask Mike Hargreaves of Toronto who was charged with multiple firearms offenses after thieves spent two days breaking into his safe while he was out of town.

Dal, there is theory and then there is practical. In Canada, the forces in power are heavily arrayed against gun owners, regardless of what the letter of the law reads.

I have lived in the most violent cities in Canada as well as several decades in Toronto. I too have never felt the need to arm myself. Big deal. That's not really the point. I too weep for a country. not the US though. I weep for Canada, with the insidious creep of the nanny state, the idea that we need the government to look after every aspect of our lives and that we are not just okay with but actually elect officials to push forward the daily loss of our freedoms. Orwell's nightmare vision is alive and well in Canada.

Last edited by canvasback; 06/26/16 11:48 AM.

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