Originally Posted By: King Brown
Interesting opinion. I'm so concerned about consequences of the likely Mother Country break-up that thoughts intrude: "What would the US be without California's GDP?" And, to be devilishly partisan, What would the US be with a drawing back, we'll go it alone, our way or the highway in a globalized world?

Just imagine. Wouldn't all that is thought of as the greatness of the US get a shot in the arm if the tail of kali wasn't wagging the dog? Just image the advances in globalization if the west coast ports of the greatest nation on God's green earth wasn't under the stranglehold of undemocratic progressive lefties? What's your plan, I'm in. Something makes me think you and the entire left would oppose the break-up, because kali feels entitled to subsidies for its gdp, just the opposite of the eu situation.

As to kids-n-travel-n-opportunity, let's look to a true model of success. Compassionate hard working Israeli's are employing palastinians in Israel. Not only that, the palastinians get equal space in the bomb shelters for the daily missile alerts.