King, it is stunning to me that you have aligned yourself this time with the privileged few. There is a blindness the left exhibits again and again when two fundamental beliefs turn out to be mutually exclusive. Lets try the feminist silence for the most misogynistic culture on earth today. King, the defender of the little guy, lining up with the Eton elites.

King, a recent study in the UK demonstrated that will the posh represent about 7% of the population they hold over 50% of the power positions in politics, business and the civil service. And by posh, I mean the high school graduates of Eton, Harrow, Charterhouse etc. I know you know I'm one of those few, but I've done my part.....I opted out of power! LOL

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia