Bill, the real problem you have with gun politics here is that it illuminates the fact that the Liberal Left Democrats you support wish to infringe upon the Constitutional Rights of law abiding gun owners. How can we enjoy our hobby when those you support are constantly attempting to take it away in piecemeal fashion? I'd love to forget about it, but they never stop coming for more. What is there to have a conversation about? We all know that you will vote for the extreme anti-gunner Hillary Clinton. I've got news for you Bill. She doesn't like your guns either. Her idea of common sense gun control includes further restrictions on you and allowing frivolous lawsuits that bankrupt gun manufacturers. But she's a Socialist, so I know you'll overlook those little things.

By the way, you are a hypocrite. It was only about a week before Misfires was suspended that you started your mud-slinging "Republican's Incompetence Caucus" thread. Would you like me to replay some of it for you to refresh your memory?

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
If David Brooks fails to see the ruination of civilization in our present circumstances, probably 90% of the rest of the population fails to see it too. Is it likely that only a group as perceptive as the Tea Party has it right? These are folks that don't read. They don't value learning. They deny science.They alone could be convinced by a cynical oligarchy to believe nonsense and vote consistently against their own and the country's best interests. Keith, no one responds to your absurd accusations. You wouldn't recognize a fact if it kicked you in the nuts. You're a brainwashed cultist.

King Brown had no problem with incivility when you posted that. What conclusions can we draw?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.