Originally Posted By: King Brown
There's truth to your notion of Canada caring more about US politics than hockey. We have an enormous stake in your governance as a branch-plant economy. There's a saying that when Americans get a sniffle Canadians get a cold.

It appears that King Brown would like to see massive income redistribution and an 18 Trillion Dollar debt for Canada too! I mean, that is his incredibly insane idea of how the U.S. economy should be run.

His ideas on politics and the economy are little different than his ideas for our gun rights. They are not for us. They are against us.

Here is King's thoughts on his hero Obama, and his violations of his Oath of Office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution even though he uses any tragedy or Islamic terrorist attack to attempt to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
With respect, you tend to believe the written as something sacrosanct as it appears in the Constitution and other bills. Look at the Oath you posted: It says only that the president will do to "the best of my ability" to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. What he determines "best"---wrongly or rightly.

It would appear that when Americans get a headache... Nova Scotians get brain damage.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.