We make too much of grammar and spelling, Mike, as if they're high values of character. I'm interested as most Canadians in your federal election but none of us can help or hinder candidates.

I am a liberal who considers Clinton untrustworthy, as I've declared here several times, and would support Sanders although Clinton is most qualified of them all. The Republican Party is asunder almost irreparably for the same reasons I consider Trump anathema to America's world-acclaimed values.

Saying that can't help to defeat Trump, as you say. He's simply the inevitable result of a broken political system in the same way millions of Democrats were trying to defeat Clinton. The unprecedented dissent against inequality makes them, in a sense, all liberals. Bless them all.

Democrat or Republican, their seemingly irrational dissent is because they recognize how long and manipulative their parties are rigged against them.
I don't worry about the outcome. America won't elect a proto-fascist. It can think for itself. It doesn't need me.

And I knew all along that good man Bernie couldn't deliver what he promised in the current political environment. He tugged at my heart strings, that's all.