Originally Posted By: keith
Is this what you're once again trying to say King?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Democracies make choices. Americans accept mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom.

No King, we don't accept mass murder. We find it abhorrent. It's hardly news to know that you'd like to see the same restrictions on gun rights imposed upon us as you are content with in Canada:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Gun control doesn't work? I believe gun control works reasonably generally in Canada, providing a less violent society compared to some others, in good part because of our different culture.

I find it interesting that you had no response to AmarilloMike's comments on the real root cause of this Terrorist Attack... namely Radical Islam. You Liberals are always making excuses for them and saying that it is unfair to criticize an entire religion for the violent acts of a few. Yet you have no problem criticizing tens of millions of law abiding U.S. gun owners for the acts of this one Muslim ISIS extremist. And you want us to incrementally give up our Constitutional Rights.

Let's not forget that the worst Mass Murder in U.S. history was accomplished not with guns, but with box cutters used to hijack fuel-laden jets. That one was committed by Muslims too.

Now our 24/7 News Cycle is endlessly telling us that our FBI does not have the resources to find and track all of these violent Muslim extremists. And your hero Barack Hussein Obama is bringing in tens of thousands of unvetted Muslims from Syria and other countries with legions of ISIS and Al Qeada terrorists... as he is once again calling for more gun control laws.

Not doing anything to prevent future recurrence = acceptance.

Both Republicans and Democrats are implicit in bringing vetted immigrants from the Middle East. Now go and say hello to "Ahmed" at your local Walmart.