Well, no surprise to see Larry still finding fault with the pro-gun candidate and making excuses for the anti-gun candidate.

craigd gave Larry a perfect example of the Press being barred or separated from then candidate Obama in 2008. Legitimate political journalists whose employers had endorsed McCain were kept off of the campaign jet while reporters from very important media outlets such as Jet and Glamour Magazines were invited. But Larry naturally waltzes away from that and is already suggesting that members of the Press would be barred from the White House if Trump were elected.

Considering how "Fair and Balanced" some of the coverage is, that might not be such a bad idea. How many times now have we all heard the lie that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists and murderers? But we got a sample of such media censorship behavior on July 4th 2015 when Anti-Gun candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign used ropes to herd and separate the Press from Her Majesty. Has anyone noticed Larry Clown complaining about that?


In June of 2015, journalists from the Daily Mail were not allowed on Hillary's bus. Larry didn't complain about that either. Here is a link and a couple excerpts from the article.


New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted: 'Clinton advance aides create a rope line for the press, moving with the candidate.

She added: 'Spectacle of Clinton as candidate - press being pulled along with a rope, Benghazi protester screams "carpetbagger".'

Josh Jordan also wrote: '239 years ago America declared independence. Today Hillary celebrates that by roping off the press like wild animals.'

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.