I looked through the photos until photo bucket overloaded on ads and quit displaying photos (24/36). I respectfully disagree slightly with some of the foregoing as follows.

Churchill is a Brand Value level two (BV2) name.

The gun appears to me to be an "A" grade BLE which is Original Quality grade two (OQ2). The back action locks, through lump, NSTTF, and third fastener design don't usually go with best work SLE's; this gun is from 1898, not 1889, and is a few years behind best SLE fashion.

The Current Condition level strikes me as level six (CC6 - shootable, but needs minor repairs and refurbishing).

BV2-OQ2-CC6 = $4,652.



Last edited by Rocketman; 05/26/16 06:21 PM.